EudaimoniaPi - An Introduction

EudaimoniaPi - An Introduction

Eudaimonia- rough translation live well.  Let me give you a brief tour through my journey of discovery. It all started a few years ago. While I was just hanging out, reading as I am prone to do, minding my own business. Actually, if I was reading, it was probably someone else’s business. Anyway, this phrase hit me so hard that I wanted to get it tattooed in Sanskrit on my leg around a huge scar shaped like a pyramid. What was this momentous phrase you ask? “Be in the moment for the moment is your life.” 

We all hear “be in the moment,” all the time, but it is the part about the moment being my life that got me thinking and feeling.  Oh yeah, the first time that opportunity met with funds I was going to get that tattoo, but since I could not quite get these two together at the same time the journey of discovery was not yet at a permanent stage.

 What was I supposed to be doing in each moment? After many existential debates, I finally realized what the problem was.  So I admit it I took the obvious “live” in the moment, but we have to be selective of how we live in those moments. 

So, I started to only focus on the small amount of free time I had.  “Living in the moment isn’t always easy.”  In its simplicity it was great.  When you work for 2/3rds of your “moments,” living in the moment isn’t as black and white as it sounds.  Let’s face it there are too many moments that we would rather avoid.  Unfortunately, living life can be anything but simple.  After all, I couldn’t instantaneously  resolve all the situations and problems in my life. 

 Just pure love.  There, I brought love into my circle, it made  me happy.  Love for myself, those around me, and those I see, those I speak to.  I’ve focused on livening up my own day, and love was important.  I had long term goals, financial freedom?  Yes.  Make it back to Europe one day?  100%.  But they were so far off…Getting the motivation and energy and sacrificing my free time.  Okay, I’m a bit lazy, but I’m sure you’ve felt something similar.  Then, it occurred to me (I had a blind spot, we all do).  

What did I always want in my life? Love of course, for myself and for others. Wonderful! Great! I figured out the first step in how I wanted to live: Figuring out what is important to me. It really did improve the quality of my life. Terrific start, but I wanted more. I wanted to always be laughing. Finding the humor in the moment is great fun, though other people may not agree with my sense of humor (Still finding that out through experience and learning from my mistakes). It was a start But it’s not enough.  It needed more definition, expansion, to take advantage of the moment.  Wow, now you are talking.  I started making goals using this formula  everyday.  Centered around my happiness, my peace. They couldn’t be just any goals.  They had to have purpose. I came up with a formula L represents what you wanted to achieve in the moment and E represents how you will achieve it. Wow, now you are talking.  

“Living” now had many parts to it, and I decided these made great additions to how I wanted to live:

Always be: Living Experiencing

Always be: Loving Experimenting

Always Be: Learning Exploring

Always be: Laughing Enjoying

Always be: Listening Expressing

Always be: Looking   Enriching

Always be: Evolving        Empathizing

After re-organising the formula to find the best combination, and finding that all combinations worked really well I wanted to express it in a more comprehensive  and shorter way.    As humans, we have a tendency to label things, and this was no different.  Google to the rescue! “Eudaimonia,”  it seemed to encompass what it was I actually wanted.  According to Wikipedia (Yes, it’s a real source with resources to back it up):  “it is a Greek word commonly translated as happiness or welfare.”

There’s the long story.  Why Pi? In truth. Eudaimonia was really hard to capture, but Pi was already a part of our lives in a big way.  It’s a mathematical number.  A mathematical constant, ratio of a circle’s circumference.  A measure of curves just like life whose angles are not straight, but regularly curved and a number that seems to go on infinitely.  

We want you to receive the blessing of always living well through all the curves and swerves of not just existing or being but living great receiving all the joy in life that can be found.  We hope to offer Eudaimonia through our products, of course, but most importantly, through our blog.  We look forward to discussing some of life’s questions for our current society.  Hopefully, we can all find the answers we need.  Our goal: Live infinitely Eudaimonia.

PS– Yeah, we just did that.

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